Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wait, Scartch That

Maybe instead of the Universe telling me to follow my husband on the road and raise my kid like a gypsy, the Turtle Phenomenon was actually trying to warn me that walking about with your house on your back often leads to being crushed to death by giant SUVs. And also, that sentence probably won't make a whole lot of sense unless you read this post first.

Obviously we are backpedaling from our minds-totally-almost-made-up decision to break camp and live on the road. What if, instead of exploring the world one ex-bombing range at a time, seeing the sights, meeting new people, ADVENTURING!!! What if we just, like, moved into a cheap rental house in town and Mark got a second job until he can land an engineering job. How 'bout that? Sure, it's like trading your favorite Mexican dish for a rice cake, but rice cakes have never given anyone heart burn. Or "hot poopies."

We have until Aug. 8 to make a final decision, but now that we have lost our nerve I can't imagine us trading everything we know for an RV and carsickness.


Someone - someone small and cute and a little fiendish - is feeding the dogs directly from his highchair.


Our house is officially FOR SALE. The agent came over yesterday and took pictures and had us sign the papers. I feel equal parts thrilled to be moving forward and away from this financial nightmare and sad to be losing our first home. I brought mah behbeh home to this house!!!!! /sniffle

Also, we will probably have to get rid of Jasper, the black lab we brought home right after we bought the house. So if you know anyone who needs a house or a dog, let me know. Or maybe you could take both. Free dog with the purchase of your next home.

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