Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Mess: It's What's For Dinner

Will enjoyed a dinner of veggie lasagna this evening. He loved it. I made a pair of lasagnas and froze one this weekend. I also made a loaf of wheat bread from scratch and a pizza with homemade crust. I'm on a save-money-make-it-at-home kick and man it tastes good.
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Life is Rosey

I got a call on Friday afternoon from Will's school (read: daycare), he had a temp of 103.5.

I rushed to pick him up, brought him home and did the usual tepid bath, Tylonol and loose clothes. His temp came down to 100.3. We rocked back and forth between 100.2 and 103.7 for 2 days and then on Sunday afternoon, as quickly as it appreaed, the fever broke. All's well that ends well, right?

Tuesday night the spots appeared. I self/Google diagnosed him with Roseola and the Dr. agreed. Thank you very much!


He didn't get better. Monday he was fine, but when I picked him up from school on Tuesday they said he was acting weird, sleeping a lot and laying his head down while playing. Wednesday was the same. By Thursday his care takers at school were freaking out and his temp was back up at 100.3. We took him to the Dr. who thinks that, yes, he did have Roseola and then he contracted this NEW virus.

So TaDa!!! My kid is sick, woah is me.

This was our first fever. Thank goodness for friends and family to help keep everything in perspectiev. It is so easy to flip out your first time around. 103.5?!?!? IS HIS BRAIN MELTING?!!?!??! And thanks goodness for a patient Pediatrician. ARE YOU SURE HIS BRAIN WON'T MELT?!?!?!?!

*Also, ignore the fact that he is noming the pointy end of a brush. Maybe it isn't the BEST idea but the kid has been sick for 4 days, you wanna chew on the rounded end of a brush? Well all right, but only if you promise to stop moaning for the next 3.5 minutes.
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