Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Plan

A lot has happened since my last post. I thought about deleting the previous posts and starting over, but I think I’ll just press on. Last December I was newly laid off, pregnant and stressed out – but optimistic. This December I’m newly fired, the mother of two and fighting hard to keep my head above water.

I decided I need to start making blogging a regular part of the plan after going back to work this summer and realizing, ‘oh yeah - duh - not practicing skills like composition and typing leaves you real rusty when it is time to go back to the office.’ So the new plan is to use blogging as a writing exercise.

I’m hoping a bigger plan comes together soon with some direction for my life. I would love to stay home with the boys, work on a bachelor’s degree, and maybe work from home. But I don’t see how that’ll fly in our current situation. So am I going back to work? A requirement for receiving FL unemployment is that I must apply for 5 jobs every week, which isn’t too hard, but it does mean I’m applying for a lot of positions outside my focus. There are only so many paralegal jobs in my town on any given week, after all.

But really, thank goodness for some down time! I didn’t even get a family picture taken this year for the Christmas cards! I have candid shots of the boys – SO MANY pictures of the boys!!! – but now cheesy Christmas shots. And the handmade presents I meant to send out are still have finished on my dining table. I think I can pull it all together by New Years…Valentine’s Day on the outside.

So I’m trying to learn the important skill of letting it be. I’m a planner, I like to see what’s coming next week, next month, next year – or at least have a vague idea. Right now I have to let that go and exist in today. Today I need to make some cinnamon rolls for Mark to take to work and start puff pastry dough for Christmas gifts. Today I need to snuggle my boys and make sure they eat their vegetables. Which reminds me: today I need to make dinner, and do the dishes and some more laundry. So the new plan is to stop thinking about the plan and try to focus on today.

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