Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hide the Valuables

Will crawled!!!!!

The first time mommy in me is thrilled that he has reached this exciting milestone!!! The rest of me is overwhelmed by how much harder it will be to keep the kid safe and breathing now that he can activly persue deathtraps and maiming devices. Like dog food and pointy objects.


Crawling!!! Yay!!!!

PS: I tried to get video footage of the Crawling Menace in action but whenever I flip on the camera he reverts back about 4 months, lays flat on his tummy and whines. I will try to get some hidden camera footage of him to share.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Oh man! I wanna eat fresh veggies grown from my own garden. Peas and zucchini. Strawberries and carrots. I know gardening has become all the rage with the current recession and the fad to go green, and I am so excited to finally be doing the 'it' thing while it is still, you know, 'it.'

I have a tendency to start things, do them for a second, then lose interest. I have a box of scarp booking crap I bought 5 years ago and haven't opened since to prove it. So when I told Mark I wanted to start a garden I quickly added that I would start small to see if I really liked it enough to follow through. He still rolled his eyes, but at least he built my first planting bed.

I decided to try raised bed gardening instead of just putting plants in the ground. Here in FL the soil is mostly sand, which is really just course dust. Not ideal planting conditions. Plus, we have moles and bunnies that I hope to deter from pillaging my crops. And finally, weeding blows. A raised bed should involve less weeding and be a bit easier since I won't have to get all the way to the ground to do it.

In mid-April, I think? Mark built my first bed, a diminutive 4' x 2' box about 2' high. We figured out 2' is a little too deep, it would cost a fortune to fill it. As it is we filled it about half way and now the plants have a 10" wall around them. Fortify! Defend!! Grow really tall before producing edible bits!

I put down a layer of lava rock, then top soil, manure, and more top soil. Then I planted seedlings I grew in Dixie cups. I asked Mark to get seeds for zucchini and peas, but apparently green beans and peas looked too similar? They are both green and pod like? Whatever, I planted the zucchini and green bean seeds about a week before I transferred the to the bed.

So I planted my seedlings, sat back and waited for the fun to begin!! For those of you who have never gardened: Not a Spectator Sport. We had to wait a while for results. But they came eventually. Will post soon with pictures of our progress.

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